Zayra Quintero

Zayra Quintero is a nursing student from San Diego, California and attends Point Loma University. She is a mother of two children and attends school full time. Her inspiration to become a nurse was her son, who she had at an early age; she decided to look for a career that could offer him a better future. Her role model is her mother, who dedicated her life to the care of her family and others. Her first day as a nursing student in a hospital was memorable because she was able to help a family that didn't speak English and make their experience better. Last year, she attended the National Association of Hispanic Nurses (NAHN) conference and met her mentor, Jennifer, who has guided her through the emotional and academic struggles of higher education. She says she likes how the association is so welcoming.
If you would like to learn how to be successful in the nursing field with the help of a mentor click here.